We have collated for you a selection of 12 assignment
topics and ideas on european law, international and private international law.
You are welcome to use these topics to help you create your own law assignment
1. To what extent
should the doctrines of Horizontal and Direct Effect be reconsidered in order
to maintain the inherent of Member States?
This assignment topic will explore the conflict
between the supremacy of EU law with the sovereignty of Member States. Thus, it
will follow the development of ECJ case law from Costa v ENEL (Case 6/64) RCR
585, Van Gend en Loos (Case 26/62) [1963] ECR 1 and Amministrazione delle
Finanze dello Stato v Simmenthal (Case 106/77) [1989] ILRM 53 and beyond. It
will then consider how this conflict has created for the parliamentary systems
of Ireland and the UK through a case law review, and determine if there should
be a reconsideration of the ECJ's powers.
2. To what extent
can the individual personally enforce EU Law?
This assignment topic will explore the citizen's
rights to enforce EU law, which varies in applicability. Thus, this examination
will consider the powers of Article 267 and the van Colson (Case -14/83). It
will then examine the rights to damages under the Francovich (Case C-48 9/90).
This is provided for by Article 340(2)'s Shoppenstadt's Formula (Brasserie de
Pecheur C-46; Headley Lomas C-5/94). It will then consider the enforcement of
EU law against private individuals and the effect of the Pupino Case (Case
C-105/03, Criminal Proceedings against Maria Pupino). Finally, it will explore
the right of standing to apply directly to the ECJ for judicial review under
Article 263 TFEU. Therefore, this examination will provide comprehensive review
of the right of the citizen to enforce EU law, and consider if reform is
3. Can the Free
Movement of Goods be legitimately restricted or prohibited by Member States?
Article 34 TFEU (Article 28 EC) and Article 35 TFEU
(Article 29 EC) prohibits quantitative restrictions and all equivalent measures
on the free movement of goods. However, Articles 34 and 35 are qualified by
Article 36 TFEU (Article 30), which allows exceptions on the grounds of public
interest, which includes aspects such as public health, national security or
morality. Thus, the Member State has to either show that a potential
restriction does not have an inhibiting effect or falls under
Article 36 TFEU. The approach taken under Article 34 is a strict
interpretation, with little leeway, which can be identified in the Geddo v Ente
Nationale Risi [1973] ECR 865. The problem is there has been controversy on how
the application lies; thus this discussion will explore the decision in
C-110/05 Commission v Italy [2009] 2 CMLR 34 and other recent cases to the
application of restrictions.
4. The Creation of a
Unified Market has been centred on the Four Freedoms to what extent has ECJ
jurisprudence been successful?
This assignment topic will explore the four freedoms
and the case law surrounding each freedom, in order to determine if a unified
market has been developed. It will primarily take a case law review, which will
compare the approaches taken by the ECJ for each freedom. It will also consider
if the Market has given rise to a social union.
5. To what extent
has recent case law on the EU Citizenship has eroded the "purely" or
"wholly" internal rule?
The cases of Ruiz Zambrano [2011]2 CMLR 46 and
McCarthy [2011] 3 CMLR 10 have raised some questions on the rights of
citizenship in the EU and how this may be affected by exercising these rights.
It seems that in one case the “the "purely" or "wholly"
internal rule established in R v Saunders [1979] ECR 1129 has been maintained
(McCarthy), but this is not the case in Ruiz Zambrano. Thus, it is important to
understand the basis of this rule and its validity, as citizenship rights are
expanded. The basis of This assignment topic is to clarify the free movement
principles and the rights with the EU.
6. To what extent
has the conflict of laws been harmonised in the EU?
This examination will explore the impact of Brussels
I, Brussels II, Rome I and Rome II to determine the extent that judgements and
enforcement have been harmonised across the EU. It will explore the
jurisprudence of the ECJ and its application in English law to test the
effectiveness of the conflict of laws regime. Finally, it will consider if
harmonisation is the best approach, especially when there is a potential to
override party autonomy.
7. Should the Role
of the Exequatur be abolished in the EU's Conflict of Laws Regime?
The exequatur is the intermediary role that allows
for judgements to “registered” for enforcement with the European Union's
conflict of laws model. The initial stages of judgements harmonisation may have
required this role, but with the developments under Brussels I and Rome II the
role is no longer necessary. Thus, the primary question of This assignment
topic is to consider is how this additional tier can be justified when the
purpose of Rome II is to harmonise and enforce judgements as the norm?
8. The Conflict of
Laws can be problematic in International Family and Property Law disputes; to
what extent should there be international harmonisation of jurisdictional
This assignment topic will explore the treatment of
family, divorce and will disputes within the international conflict of laws
rules. Thus, the nature of the property and/or dispute can result in the same
case having a variety of rules being applied. This raises questions whether
there needs to be general harmonisation of jurisdictional rules in this area
(if possible).
9. An Examination of
jus ad bellum and jus in bello in the International Law of a Just War. Should
an international consensus be essential to label a war as “legal”?
The approach to war has undergone some synthesis
since the 1999 Action in Kosovo by NATO, because there was a wider acceptance
of intervention “to protect” the human rights of others outside of UN
consensus. However, since 9 the “illegal war” in Iraq there has been “clamping
down” on legitimate warfare. This means the arguments of jus in bello and jus
ad bellum have undergone significant narrowing in international law. Thus, the
focus of the discussion will be the development of jus ad bellum in the current
approaches to war. It will determine what is and what is not a just war. In
order to illustrate the discussion there will be a focus on the interventions
(and refusal to intervene) in the aftermath of the Arab Spring.
10. A Right to
Self-Determination does not necessitate a Right State Sovereignty. To what
extent should the law of self-determination be developed to provide a more
comprehensive right to sovereignty?
This assignment topic will explore the various
approaches to what constitutes self-determination under Article 1(1) of the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). Article 1(1)
identifies it is a fundamental right for indigenous peoples to attain
self-governance over their lands and social structure. But, this does not
necessitate state sovereignty; thus this discussion will explore the interface
between the ICCPR and the Montevideo Convention 1933. The purpose of this
examination is to determine when sovereignty is necessary to fulfil the ICCPR
11. To what extent
are a coastal state's territorial rights limited under UNCLOS?
This assignment topic will explore the rights of the
coastal state to impose restrictions, customs fees and so forth under UNCLOS.
It will also consider the extent of the coastal state's rights and obligations
with regards to the exploitation of natural resources in surrounding waters.
Thus, it will consider if UNCLOS provides a balanced system, or gives too much
power to coastal states.
12. Can
Environmental Protections be reconciled with GATT Principles? An examination of
the WTO cases laws stemming from the US Shrimp/Turtle and US Dolphin/Tuna
The US Shrimp-Turtle Case and the Dolphin-Tuna Case
are the two key cases on interpreting the Article XX exceptions of GATT, in
reference to environmental concerns. Thus, between the two cases one can
identify the extent environmental concerns can be used as an obstacle to the
international trading system. The topic will explore the application of these
two cases, and then consider if the concept of environmental protection is
substantively protected under GATT.
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